Spread the love, love the spread

Køkkenet har fået utallige hyldestsange af elever gennem tiden – og dette er endnu en. Denne sang er dedikeret til køkkenets populære pålæg spread. Opskriften på spread har været den mest ønskede opskrift til denne kogebog.

What is it that I am waiting for?

What is it that I am longing for?

What is it that I, what is it that I,

What is it that I need for sure?

A double bed? A book unread?

Something infrared, or a man newly wed?

A word unsaid, or maybe instead

something from the toolshed?

What about spread? Oo-ooh

Spread the love, and love the spread

What about spread? Oo-ooh

Spread the love, and love the spread

What is it that I really can’t describe?

What is it that still gives me that good vibe?

What is it that I, what is it that I?

What is it that I find so pure?

A skinhead? A thin, thin thread?

A dog almost dead, or a road ahead?

A girl misled by roses red?

Or maybe just my head?

What about spread? Oo-ooh

Spread the love, and love the spread

What about spread? Oo-ooh

Spread the love, and love the spread

They call it, they call it

They call it, they call it dip

They call it, they call it

They call it, they call it dip

They call it, they call it

They call it, they call it dip

But every hip and every lip

know that’s not it

They call it, they call it

They call it, they call it dip

They call it, they call it

They call it, they call it dip

They call it, they call it

They call it, they call it dip

But every hip and every lip

know that it’s spread, ooh-ooh

Spread the love, and love the spread

know that it’s spread, ooh-ooh

Spread the love, and love the spread

Because it’s spread, oo-ooh

Spread the love, and love the spread

Because it’s spread, oo-ooh

So spread your love, and love your spread.


Tekst og melodi: Anna Bødtker, elev fra efteråret 17.

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